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Life is ever changing. Each new day offers new challenges, opportunities, and blessings; the question is now what are we going to do with all that life offers.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Little distractions

Well, the Hubby is out of town this weekend. I don't particularly like him being gone but I know I am incredibly blessed to have him around as much as I do, so I gladly let him go and spend time with the guys, help out other church's tech teams, and whatever else takes him out of town while Bubby and I stay home.
Anyway, I tried to take advantage of him being out by practicing a couple recipes. The first was a rolled sugar cookie recipe that looks like a pinwheel (I'll try to post the final products when they are done) and I made my first ever butter toffee. Oh my goodness!!! That one is definitely going to become a holiday tradition.
I want to get started making a couple gifts but have a hard time doing so with a toddling helper. So that will have to wait till there is another set of hands to help with Bubby. Perhaps then I will start taking and posting some pictures.
On a totally unrelated note, I saw my OB's nurse today and it reminded me that I'll be going to talk about still trying for a sibling for Bubby for nearly two years. We're still hoping for a miracle.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

Ok, well may-be not. Its 70 degrees out, the leaves haven't all turned yet and the fall decorations were just put out yesterday. However I just got my notification from Christmas Countdown saying that the Christmas Countdown has begun!
Now I am not the most organized person nor am I the most frugal so things like this website and the planner they freely offer is very helpful. Add my almost addiction to Pinterest and I think I may be able to get away with spending less $$$ if I will spend more time.
I already have decided on a couple treats that I want to make: Peanut Butter Bon Bons; peanut clusters; coated pretzels; and coffee spoons; and there are a couple gift ideas I have saved on . Those two things alone make the holiday season better. Oh and we KNOW that we will be going to Carson to see G&G on the farm for Christmas, that by itself makes things so much simpler. It helps to know these things prior to December 1st.
I hope to include this blog a bit more to help me with the planning, prepping, making, crafting, etc part of Christmas planning. We'll see.