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Life is ever changing. Each new day offers new challenges, opportunities, and blessings; the question is now what are we going to do with all that life offers.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Wow, I totaly meant to post more often, I mean come on I spend several hours a day in front of a computer everyday! Although it is hard to type with a nursing child in your lap.
So today I went to a site that I enjoy, not because I win free stuff all the time but because I learn about all sorts of stuff that is available, www.todaysgiveaway.net . The item up for grabs today is a topless undershirt from Blush, www.toplessundershirt.com .
"Why are you posting about this?"
Well, my little boy is 10 weeks old (wow, that happened fast) and not only am I nursing him but he has started to grab hold of my shirt or cover when nursing. I am so paranoid about flashing poor unsuspecting bystanders if I were to nurse in public that I just don't, if I know we will be out during a feeding time I just pump and before hand and deal with being uncomfortable until I can relieve pressure later. I know the areguments that nursing is a natural thing and nothing to be ashamed of, but... and for me this is a big BUT... I think that even though it is natural and not yucky that does not give me permission to flash my...ahem... ladies. The act that produced my little boy is perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of, doesn't mean I am going to do IT in public. So, back to the product at hand, if there is a way to nurse decently in public then I am interested in it.
Before my lil boy was born I looked into nursing covers for this reason. I couldn't afford the $35-$50 tag for them so I looked online at www.littlebirdiesecrets.com and found instructions to make my own nursing cover with all the bells and whistles of the $45 one I was drooling over for less than $10 (I think less than $5). That has me covered up top, and I thought I made it wide enough to cover my mid section too but I did not know just how much my lil boy would wriggle around when he had something covering his head when he ate! So seeing a product that won't get in the way, or complicate nursing anymore than it is already ( I still am not very "good" at nursing yet) gets me interested. Yes, I could probably try to find a diy tutorial to make my own but I don't have nearly the time that I thought a stay at home mom has. So for now, this "topless undershirt" has my interest and has earned a place on my wishlist.
Why? Because, for me decency is a must!