About Me

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Life is ever changing. Each new day offers new challenges, opportunities, and blessings; the question is now what are we going to do with all that life offers.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trying for #2

This is a very sensitive subject that I actually like to talk about. It has changed how I view so many things.

Life offers many challenges. Some are easier to deal with than others. One challenge that I have found to be just about the most difficult challenge I have ever faced was trying to conceive Bubby. I may post more details later but for now the short version. It took us 2 years 10 months of actively trying to conceive (TTC) for us to finally conceive. After some heartache and disappointment under the care of one physician we took a break from ttc for a couple months when we went to a new doctor. Within one cycle we had a diagnosis, a treatment plan, and a plan towards conception. It took 10 months of metformin, and three months of Clomid and finally that wonderful Friday morning when I finally saw TWO pink lines!

Pregnancy treated me well (possibly more on that as well as there were some crazy things too). Labor and delivery was surprisingly good, and motherhood is the best thing ever! I should be content right?

Well, Bubby is 18 months old now and we have been trying for... 10 months. We've already done four rounds of Clomid and now I am just waiting to see if this cycle worked for us. I've learned a lot since the early days of ttc and struggling with infertility, I've grown up a lot and trust God more now too. While we are actively ttc and each time it is apparent I'm not preggo C and I both are sad, we are at peace and trust that God has a good plan for us and our little family.

So now, we keep going, keep living life, keep loving Bubby, keep loving each other, and keep trusting God.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A year in review

It has been over a year since I last posted. A long year that offered many challenges and changes.
Finances determined that I needed to go back to work. After working two long months at a fast food restaurant I got a job as an administrative assistant for an electrical contractor. Now we are doing well.
C has been given a raise in order to get internet at the house... and he has earned it as well. His boss is pleased with his work and the income he is bringing to the company.
Bubby isn't a baby anymore. He has been walking for almost 10 months already, he's climbing, tormenting the cats, and exploring all that life has to offer.
I do not have much time for crafting, photography, sewing, etc. That is as of yet, but, soon I am determined to add some creativity here. Also some stories of adventures with Bubby.
Oh, yes, we moved to a new, better house. It is lower in cost about $100 to $150 a month and we all love it.