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Life is ever changing. Each new day offers new challenges, opportunities, and blessings; the question is now what are we going to do with all that life offers.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just some thoughts

So, we are smack dab in the middle of our second cycle after losing our little miracle. And yes, it still hurts. Bubby has been a wonderful source of comfort and distraction and Hubby has been extra wonderful. I love my family!
So why a post now? Well, let me tell ya, there have been some interesting thoughts going on in our house lately.
First about two weeks ago Hubby asks my opinion on a name, I love it and he says it should be our next baby's name. A minute later I throw out a middle name and he says "that's what I was thinking". Hmmm.
Later that week I am singing at Church and in the middle of the song I hear God say that my next child will be a "priest" (no we are not Jewish or Catholic); the name we both decided we liked means "priest".
Then there is the feeling that we will not have long to wait before our next child's presence is known to us.
So, now I am sitting here just a couple days past ovulation and the crazy analyzing every twinge and feeling is driving me batty. I am trying to not put my hope in anything but God, its all up to Him anyway and His timing is perfect. Hopefully even just getting this post out there will help me focus a bit more. Hopefully. :)